MIT Scientists Say ‘Smart Grid’ Could Make Power Grid Unstable – Potential of Unprecedented, Robust Blackouts
Militant Environmentalists Call for Executions and ‘Decisive Ecological Warfare’
Warmist Randy Olson: ‘Climate Balls: Who’s Got ‘Em?’ ‘I’s refreshing to hear some profanity and taunting coming from the climate community’
‘Retractions of scientific papers have surged in recent years’ — ‘Retractions related to fraud rose more than sevenfold between 2004 and 2009’
Global Warming Link to Drowned Polar Bears Melts Under Searing Fed Probe: ‘Gleason concedes that study had major impact on controversial listing of bears’ under ESA
NOAA Now Begins Time In 1999 — ‘What a complete crock. NOAA has detailed drought records going back to at least 1900’
A Window on Climate Peer Review: ‘The reviewers for polar bear article were Lisa Rotterman and Andrew Derocher’ [email protected]
A movement is afoot to draft Al Gore for president! ‘Gore is the conscience of the Democratic Party, the soul of what true Democrats stand for’
Obama Controls Weather!? Warmist David Roberts: ‘Obama needs to say…climate change is screwing up our weather and it’s going to get worse and worse & we’ve got to do something about it’
Sen. Inhofe Has Questions About Polar Bear Researcher Charles Monnett