Almost As Hot As 1911, 1918, And 1936 – Must Be The CO2: ‘100 years ago it was due to lack of CO2, but now it is due to CO2. The church of Gore decrees it’
NYT Warmist Andy Revkin thinks you’re stupid: He claims that warm weather validates climate hoax models, while cold weather IN NO WAY invalidates them
Watch Now: Climate Depot’s Morano on Fox News on electric cars — Exposes NJ Gov. Christie’s & NY Mayor Bloomberg’s misguided war on coal
Peer-reviewed paper: Sea-level rises are slowing, tidal gauge records show: ‘One of Australia’s foremost experts on sea level has concluded sea level rise is ‘decelerating’
Warmist John Cook claims: ‘Observed sea level rise is already above IPCC projections and strongly hints at acceleration’
Warmist Dem Cong. Gary Ackerman provides evidence that Earth is overheating: ‘Just walk out in the street and your glasses are gonna fog up today; the world is in trouble’
1921: Earth Had A ‘Fever’: Record heat, hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, earthquakes, typhoons, volcanoes, millions starving, drought, floods. March was 11 degrees above normal’
Book review: ‘Environmentalism was an ugly experiment…[Turncoat Greenie] Mark Lynas has converted from eco-alarmist to pro-growth rationalist. But he still doesn’t get problem with green thinking’
UN IPCC Prediction That Global Warming Would Cause More Wildfires Proves To Be Wrong
Warmist Kate Sheppard: Remember when I said that weather isn’t climate? I just remembered that weather *is* climate