Meet the man who wants to censor science! German Rolf-Dieter Heuer, Dir. of CERN has ‘banned his employees from interpreting the results’ “No, you mustn’t say what it means!’ [email protected]
Climate Depot on Gore: ‘He’s presiding over the greatest collapse of a modern environmental movement in history, and this is what he has now — 24 hours to try to regenerate it and start over’
New NASA paper contradicts Kaufmann et al saying it’s volcanoes, not China coal: ‘Observed trend is mainly driven by a series of moderate but increasingly intense volcanic eruptions’
Forget Coal use in China; Warmists now claim the sun has stopped global warming!
‘Warmists finally acknowledging the influence of sun They have always denied any influence from sun but the temperature stasis of 21st century is making them desperate’
Sea level FEARS Destroy property values! Higher floors, lower roofs: the town being shrunk by climate change angst — Climate HYSTERIA is real and happening now!
Climate Change Lunatics Costing Australians Much More Than Taxes: ‘The closest tide gauge to Port Albert is at Stony Point and shows no change in sea level through their 20 year record’
Warmist John Cook: ‘Observed sea level rise is already above IPCC projections and strongly hints at acceleration’
1900: Extremely Extreme Global Weirding: ‘Deadliest hurricane in US history, worst drought in Australia’s history, forest fires across US’
1930s Was By Far The Most Extreme Decade In The U.S.