Media Slop: ‘GOP conservation cuts rile sportsmen…Anglers & hunters once courted by G.W. Bush don’t like GOP’s mad dash to cut spending…this is not a crowd to mess with’
Former Bush Admin. Warmist Jim Connaughton (fmr. chair of WH Council on Env. Quality) claims ‘a variety of hook and bullet groups expressing angst over budget cuts’
Politico ‘paints a one-sided portrait of the hunting and conservation community…sportsmen and women are far more concerned about the anti-hunting agenda of this administration’
Warmist Robert Koehler: Greens Are Soulmates Of The Christian End Times Movement [email protected]
The 2011 Tornado Losses in Context: ‘Since 1950 there is no evidence of an increase in damage in tornado loss data adjusted for inflation or that compared to GDP’
‘What you’re seeing on any given day is virtually guaranteed not to be the ‘worst’ or ‘most’ it’s ever been –’ever’ includes at a minimum some 80,000 to 100,000 years’
Vaclav Smil to NYT warmist Andy Revkin: ‘I know you have invested so much into that entire global warming story, but I see it as very secondary’
German Wacky Warmist Schellnhuber: Temperatures may rise 6-8 degrees by the year 2300; sea levels may rise 70 (yes, 70) meters
Climate Models Fail To Predict Past Catastrophes: ‘More proof that climate models can’t foretell the future, because they can’t even get the past right’
Climate Stupid Taken To A New Level By Salon Mag.: ‘Are they suggesting that a huge body of cold water in the Pacific (La Nina) is caused by global warming?’