NYT Admits That The Whole Story Boils Down To Computer Modelers: ‘The message of the computer modelers is now prevailing wisdom of scientific bodies around the world’
Horner responds to warmist Mooney: ‘I noted that nothing ever proposed would, according to anyone, detectably impact climate. Ergo, you can believe it’s about climate. If you need that’
Physicist Dr. Lubos Motl: ‘Did Chinese coal cause the cooling since 1998?’ ‘It still shows how incredibly shaky contemporary would-be ‘mainstream’ opinions about climate drivers are’
Four Lake Tahoe ski resorts offer that rare Fourth of July experience – San Francisco skiing
Last chance for GOP to stop EPA train wreck: ‘There should be no money for an agency that has no consideration for jobs in its cost-benefit analyses’
Wash. Post’s Richard Cohen: GOP Is a Cult, as Evidenced by Their Global-Warming Heresy
Warmist Chris Mooney on speech by Climate Depot’s Morano: ‘Watch Marc Morano from minute 38 to minute 56, the dude is nothing if not entertaining’
NYT’s profiles MIT scientist Richard Lindzen: ‘Climate Change Dissenter Who Has Left His Mark on U.S. Policy’
Report: ‘Science Corruption at the National Academies of Science’
Global Warming Alarmists Again Try The Lame ‘Aerosol Masking’ Excuse To Explain Cooling – U.S. Data Refutes