Wash Post warmist Tom Toles straps on his tinfoil hat: Suggests emitting CO2 is like ‘burning down our houses, sowing our soil with salt & selling our children into bondage’ [email protected]
ICO Orders UEA to Produce CRUTEM Station Data: ‘The decision can only be characterized as a total thrashing of the U. of East Anglia’
Warmists Achim Steiner and Lisa Jackson take fossil-fueled trips to Africa, then enjoy some nice, refreshing bottled water
Carbon Footprint of Michelle Obama’s June 2011 Africa Trip
Watch Now: NASA’s $1.2 million Activist James Hansen is compared to a well-funded tobacco scientist — due to Hansen’s well paid climate propaganda!
Warmist Chris Mooney’s lament: ‘If you go to blogs like WattsUpWithThat or Climate Audit, you certainly don’t find scientific and mathematical illiterates doubting climate change’
Aussie Geoloigst Dr. Bob Carter: ‘A mild warming of about 0.5 degrees Celsius (well within previous natural temp variations) occurred between 1979 and 1998’
Prof. Ole Humlum of Oslo University: ‘All 5 global temp estimates presently show stagnation, at least since 2002’