The EPA’s War on Jobs: ‘The real goal of EPA’s rule is to shut down fossil fuel electric power in the name of climate change’
New Study Throws Water on Obama Fuel-Economy Goals: Obama’s ‘roposed 62 mpg fuel-economy target for 2025 could kill hundreds of thousands of jobs, put a $55,000 sticker on ordinary family car’
Warmist Chris Mooney claims that Warmist Kerry Emanuel can ‘show on the back of an envelope’ how trace amounts of CO2 can dangerously overheat the planet — but fails to produce the envolope!
The Black Hole of Global Warming Spending: U.S. government spends $10.6 million a day on climate change — $4 billion a year
‘Green jobs’ success eludes Obama: ‘White House can’t point to much solid evidence that Americans are scoring the green jobs the president has been touting’
UN IPCC Author & Warmist climate modeller Andrew Weaver can’t convince most adults, so now he’s trying to brainwash innocent children [email protected]
Rush Limbaugh Slams Warmist Romney Again: ‘Romney Wins Over Media by Opposing Rush on Global Warming’
Phil Jones does an about face on ‘statistically significant’ warming
Michael Mann compared to Sarah Palin: ‘The Wash. Post thinks it’s ‘harassment’ to request Michael Mann’s files from the UVA —
Germany turns back to fossil fuel plants!