More dismal news for warmists: Most Americans don’t believe global warming is caused by human activity
Arctic Ice Decline Stopped Five Years Ago: ‘Arctic ice area declined from 1988 to about 2006, and since then has been flat, corresponding to shift in PDO’
Gingrich aides resign, leave campaign in tatters: ‘The entire top echelon of Gingrich’s presidential campaign resigned, a stunning mass exodus’
Palaeontologist Dr. Geoff Deacon: ‘We see that actually the patterns that have occurred in the distant past are not really any different from what’s happening now’
Another Dissenter: Aussie Scientist: ‘I’m a skeptic and proud’ — Current Co2 levels are ‘in geological terms the lowest that we’ve actually had in earth’s history’
Ten Years And Counting: Where’s The Global Warming? ‘Absolutely no warming during the past the past 10 years’
Extreme Weather & AGW: ‘Is Sen. Lieberman Just Dumb? Senile? Or, Just Anti-Science?’
Lindzen-Choi ‘Special Treatment’: Is Peer Review Biased Against Nonalarmist Climate Science?
NPR: Remember when we told you that several cold winters were meaningless ‘weather’? We just decided that a few hot days are super-meaningful ‘climate’
‘We must stop pandering to climate scaremongers’: Ex-Civil Service chief blasts ministers for global warming ‘evangelism’