NJ Gov. Chris Christie Strikes a Major Blow Against Cap-and-Trade
Gov. Christie to pull NJ out of regional greenhouse gas initiative — will exit 10-state regional greenhouse gas program
Climatologist ridicules NAS warming panel: ‘Another in a numbing succession of groupthink reports predicting end of the world unless U.S. dramatically reduces its emissions of Co2. Pronto’
NAS Panel Backs Manufactured Crisis to Tame Climate Change: NAS document lays out a strategy for manufacturing a crisis by both exaggerating climate threat and artificially raising fossil-fuel prices’
Putting humanity in a kangaroo court: ‘When Nobel laureates staged a mock eco-trial in Stockholm last week, they were really demanding to rule the world’
New Record! ‘It has been 985 days since any hurricane hit the US. The longest hurricane-free spell since before the Civil War’
New paper finds no evidence of climate change causing increase of tropical storms
Analysis: Violent Tornadoes Declining – Landfalling Hurricanes Declining
NYT’s Andrew Revkin: ‘there’s simply no evidence through a half century of tornado history in the U.S. of a connection to warming’
MIT: No Correlation, So We Will Use Weasel Words To Make It Sound LikeThere Is — ‘Actually we do know. There is an anti-correlation. As temperatures go up, violent tornadoes go down’