NASA’s Hansen Warned Us About This: ‘We should have listened. The world is doomed, as religious fanatics everywhere believe’
NASA ‘Climate Kids’ Cartoon: Humans ‘Leaving a Dead and Lifeless Landscape’
UN chief propagandists hyping Rio sustainability carnival: Ban Ki-moon ‘stressed need for fundamental changes in humanity’s resource consumption patterns and values’
Report: No Decline in Polar Bear Population: Polar Bear Population Frozen At 20,000-25,000 — ‘no change in the overall global population’
Natives Decry Polar Bear Habitat Designation: ‘The designation of critical habitat for polar bears will provide no conservation benefit to the polar bear species’
Googlegate? Climate cleansing: Google to censor skeptics?
Melting Antarctic icebergs fertilize ocean: Efforts to remove CO2 from Earth’s atmosphere appear to be getting helping hand: The iron in meltwater from icebergs
Register Now: Climate Depot’s Morano to speak at Heartland’s Sixth International Conference on Climate Change in DC
Former Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman: 90% of Republicans Say His Presidential Bid Going Down In ‘Cap & Trade’ Flames
New Study In Nature: ‘Consensus’ Climate Scientists Starting To Reject James Hansen’s Myopic, One-Trick CO2 Pony