The UK Government Tricks the SciTech Committee with ‘untrue and/or deceptive assertions that the Muir Russell and Oxburgh Climategate reports were ‘independently of Government’
Quick, pass cap-and-trade! Climate change ‘could disrupt wi-fi and hit power supply’
NOAA CSI on the Record Tornado Outbreak: There is ‘no indication that the environmental factors conducive to tornado development…’
Warmist Chris Mooney explains ‘the biological mechanisms’ which make scientists above bias! ‘Neural circuits’ ‘protect their minds against the corrosive effects of ideology and politics’
‘What an evil gas’ — UN Claim: CO2 Continues To Target Poor Children
Sea level rise is accelerating — to the downside! ‘A stable rate between 2003 and 2007, and declining rates since 2007’
U.S. Ocean Experts Confirm Rapid Decline In Sea Level Increases Over Last Decade
‘Are people becoming stupid and shrinking in size because of global warming?’
Diesel cars ‘better than hybrids’ for fuel efficiency
Synthetic Trees Remove CO2 from Atmosphere