Enjoy the last 89! Climate clock is ticking: ‘Humanity or at least civilization, will be terminated in about 89 years, the end of this century’
Tornadoes haven’t spiked — the population has: ‘There are more of us living where we didn’t used to live, and the tornado doesn’t care that we have just built new homes’
Be Afraid! Obama’s EPA Chief: Climate regs ‘nothing to fear’
‘When Refrigerators Warm the Planet’: ‘EPA & Energy Department are slowly tightening the rules on appliances, requiring them to do the same work with less and less energy’
New paper shows how natural ocean oscillations control climate: ‘Climate of the N. Hemisphere can be explained by a combination of natural ocean cycles — without incorporating greenhouse gases’
Hurricane Milestone: ‘Barring a freak storm, on June 10 it will have been 1,000 days since any hurricane struck the US. The longest period since before the Civil War’
City in Saudi Arabia is ‘model for the future’
Carbon footprint of the royal wedding: ‘1,230 times the annual emissions of avg. UK household’
HadCRUT Cherry-Picked Warm Russian Data: ‘Russian meteorological stations cover most of country’s territory, and that Hadley Center used data submitted by only 25% of such stations’
EU Satellite Documents Huge Sea Level Decline That U.S. Warmist Scientists Refuse To Discuss or Publish