Warmist Ted Turner: ‘In 20 years, there will be no fossil fuel’
Leading warmist George Monbiot admits he was bamboozled by fear-mongers – on nuclear power!
‘The effort to pass cap and trade legislation may have been the best-financed political cause in American history’
Warmist James Hansen blames current lack of ocean warming on a volcanic eruption that occurred 20 years ago
Mother Earth goes wild at the UN: Beetles, not people, take center stage at General Assembly
Don’t Look Now, But C02 Output Is Falling
Orange County Register Praises ‘Exceptional’ Climate Depot
Snow is a thing of the past? Largest North American March Snow Cover Since 1979
‘Bias In the Peer Review Process: A Cautionary And Personal Account’ By Ross McKittrick
Global Warming On Pluto Caused By The Sun (Even 3 Billion Miles Away!)