Ross McKitrick Exposes Kerry Emanuel: ‘Emanuel’s statement is provably false…His claim is completely contradicted by the factual record’ [email protected]
Caught in Web of Lies?! Warmist Kerry Emanuel’s Testimony to Congress Called ‘Untrue’ & Riddled with Climategate ‘Disinformation’ — Will He Recant? [email protected]
Flashback: MIT’s Lindzen Reveals Kerry Emanuel’s Ethics: ‘Emanuel received relatively little recognition until he suggested that hurricanes might become stronger in a warmer world’ [email protected]
Warmist Kerry Emanuel Thinks Public is Stupid — Touts His involvement in Laughable Climategate ‘Leaflet’ Report that ‘cleared’ his fellow warmists [email protected]
Kerry Emanuel’s Shameless Sham: Oxburgh Tricks the Committee: 45 Hours in Norwich to produce Climategate leaflet — ‘all five of pages of it – appeared ‘rushed and superficial’
Wacked Out UK Guardian: ‘Last year’s rise in carbon emissions was due to an increase in gas used to heat homes driven by the cold weather’
Glaciers growing on Mt. Shasta — Record snowfall to spur even more growth: ‘All 7 glaciers on California’s Mount Shasta are growing. Yes, growing. Not melting’
What Richard Muller Isn’t Saying: ‘Most of the warming in his graph occurred after PDO shift in 1977’ — ‘The rate of warming is below low end of projections. In other words, a don’t care’
Another Dissenter: Indian Geologist: ‘Climate Change is natural and geological process are involved in its entire mechanism’
Muller Exposed: ‘I was disheartened by the testimony of Richard Muller…he has totally destroyed any credibility he might have had with me’ [email protected]