Global Cooling Underway?! Temps -0.02 C below 30-year average for February’
Gallup poll shows global-warming fears (continue) losing steam in U.S.
Climategate Update: DOE and Jones’ Delete Request: Phil Jones’ delete request was funded by the US Department of Energy
In 1955, warmist academics accepted the Medieval Warm Period
Fukushima Nuclear Accident – a simple and accurate explanation
As the Warmists Crumble: N.J. quits emissions lawsuit: New Jersey has withdrawn from lawsuit by several states that seeks to have 5 electric utilities cut greenhouse gases’
EPA Tangles With New Critic: Labor — ‘Several unions with strong influence in key states are demanding that EPA soften new regulations’
Sounds About Right: ‘The Monterey Bay Aquarium did a huge, expensive, and well-crafted exhibit on climate change, but nobody showed up’
How Much Would You Buy? ‘Given that EPA says that cooling costs two quadrillion dollars per degree … how much cooling would you suggest we buy at that price?’
UN Climate Chief Pachauri: ‘Until we change our life styles, the world will increasingly become unfit for human habitation’