Oh No! Paging Jeff Masters! Winter 2010-2011 Was Very Cold And Dry In The US — ‘It was the 39th coldest and 16th driest winter since 1895’
Scientist Mocks: ‘Climate change is a preferable term, because it has no metrics and can be applied to any weather pattern’
Climate Astrologist Carl Pope, Chairman of the Sierra Club: ‘the way I choose to get to work in the morning may impact the frequency of deaths from flooding in Bangladesh’
Memo to Carl Pope — Did Witchcraft Cause Crop Failures?! Mexico freeze devastated crops: ’80 to 100 percent is said to have been ruined in the worst freeze since 1957′
Where is Media? Michael Mann’s claims falling apart: ‘I forwarded the email before I was against it’ — ‘The claims being made are ridiculous and clearly conflict with Wahl’s testimony’
Michael Mann UVA case clears a roadblock: ‘The process to get supporting evidence from University of Virginia has overcome a roadblock’
German Physicist Slams Global Warming Claims: ‘Climate Politics Is Grand Déjà Vu Of Communist East Germany…It’s religion, and not science!’
Steve McIntyre catches Mann in yet another Untruth?! ‘What Did Penn State Know?’ Mann now claims ‘it has been ‘known for a year and half’ that he forwarded Jones’ delete request to Wahl’
Physicist Trashes NASA’s James Hansen: ‘As a younger man, Hansen was at least as big a psychopath if not a bigger one than what he is now’
1958: Teller Told Eisenhower That Russia Will Defeat The US Through Weather Control