Does This Law Also Cover Warmists’ Doomsday Predictions? Romanian soothsayers and fortune tellers cursing new bill that threatens prison ‘if their predictions don’t come true’
UN IPCC’s Eco-Orthodoxy: ‘Suppose the International Monetary Fund created an economics version of the IPCC, which issued a Summary for Policymakers every 5 years…’
Sen. Inhofe tells EPA administrator man-made global warming is a ‘hoax’ as they spar over greenhouse gas regulation
EPA Adminstrator Is Willing To Sacrifice ‘Millions Of Adults And Children’ For Her CO2 ‘Fetish’
Warmist Rep. Ed Markey: Did we say this was about CO2 giving your grandchildren kidney stones? We meant this is about CO2 causing suicide bombings
Prince Charles slams climate skeptics for their corrosive impact on public opinion
Can NASA GISS Adjust Temperatures Upwards By 25 Degrees? ‘Maybe UHI adjustments will do the trick’
Coal Keeps A Freezing Country Warm, While at the Same Time Heating It Out Of Control
Obama’s Climate Exchange Is A Gift To GE
Rent Seeking General Electric to Head Obama’s ‘Jobs’ Council