NYT morphing into ‘Oceania Ministry Of Information’ — NYT: ‘…cold in places like Florida actually could be a sign of warming, rather than an argument against the phenomenon’
Warmists Name Climate Depot Top ‘Denier’: ‘Morano helped draft a list of like-minded scientists that basically became the official Republican policy position on global warming for 2007 and 2008’
Alarmist Brad Johnson on Morano: ‘All of the stories about global-warming science being something other than a clear reason that we need to reduce fossil fuels have been processed through him’
New Low: San Fran Chronicle Suggests Global Warming Caused Haiti Earthquake — Reports on U. of Miami geologist Shimon Wdowinski’s desperate warmist claims [email protected]
Rebuttal: ‘The Haiti Quake Epicenter Was 13 km Below The Surface’ — ‘It is amazing that anyone with a scientific background could attempt to blame it on surface conditions’
‘Giving credit where it is due, Hugo Chavez’ buddy – Danny Glover – actually presented this scientific theory before the AGU did’
New Peer-Reviewed Paper: ‘The Oceans Are Losing Heat’
Hurricanes and global warming – still no connection: Global Tropical Cyclone Accumulated Cyclone Energy remains lowest in at least 3 decades, and expected to decrease even further’
NYT: It Will Take 260 Years To Diagnose Your Hurricane!
NYT: ‘Hurricanes could become more prevalent with climate change, but the economic pain they deliver might not be recognized as man-made for 260 years’