Obama: ‘What’s snow doing on the ground in North Carolina?’
You mean it’s not ‘worse than we thought?’ UN’s Alarmist Doomsday warning of rising seas ‘was wrong’, says new study
Warmist Bryan Walsh of Time openly admits that Environmentalism is a religion
Primitive Climate Astrology: No Pressure: Ancient Peruvians Sacrificed Children To Control The Climate
Modern Climate Astrology: Colombian leader cancels climate conference trip after flooding – allegedly caused by global warming!
Paper on CanCON: ‘There’s more clear thinking at the typical UFO convention, tin hats and all, than at any global warming conference’
Thing Of The Past?: Fourth Snowiest Week 49 On Record
Watch Now: Lord Monckton Presents CFACT’s CanCON ‘Kook of the Week’
Memo to America: Don’t do carbon trading! ‘The U.S. must learn from Europe’s mistakes – not repeat them — Carbon trading is wrong on so many levels’
Monbiot is right, God is a skeptic! ‘Gore Effect’ Strikes Cancun UN Global Warming Summit — Record low temps