Sen. Inhofe Recounts Success in 2010, But Warns of ‘Backdoor’ Cap-And-Trade at EPA
Bye Bye! Defeated Scientific Rube Rep. Bob Inglis blasts GOP, right-wing pundits for ‘denying’ global warming science
Forecasting Expert slams Bjorn Lomborg: ‘Peer-reviewed paper shows forecasting procedures used by UN IPCC violated 72 of 89 relevant principles’
Bjorn Lom-Gore-borg: Paint it white — ‘Meet the new Al Gore. Same as the old Al Gore’
Rutgers Prof. Helen Fisher: Having Lots of Kids is Like Littering [email protected]
A Failed Climate Prediction Twofer: Global Warming Alarmists Get Both Droughts and Floods Wrong
UN IPCC Official: ‘We Redistribute World’s Wealth By Climate Policy’
Climategate: November 20, 2009: The Day ‘Global Warming’ Ended — ‘The AGW game has been rigged from the start’
Update’: ‘The LSU Video Wasn’t Balanced…Prof. seems badly misinformed on the issue, but this lecture was not the attack on conservatives it was portrayed’
Progress: 18 years after declaring global warming debate over, Gore now admits that it’s not over