‘Sorry Mann, Trees Haven’t Changed’: ‘What doesn’t make sense is trying to claim that the trees have changed behaviour, and justifying a stupid nature trick based on it’
Steve McIntyre on Mann’s latest claims: ‘One sees someone (Mann) who purports to be a ‘scientist’ making unsupportable statements’
Maudlin Michael Mann, a reality denier: Michael Mann now suggests that CO2 may kill all of the Polar Bears! ([email protected])
Flashback: U.S. Senate Report Debunks Polar Bear Extinction Fears
Michael Mann claims that tree-ring data stopped reflecting true temperatures 50 years ago; ‘maybe we can’t trust’ climate model predictions
IPCC Caught Again! ‘Importance Of Glaciers As A Source Of Fresh Water Exaggerated, Say Austrian Scientists
Calling All Warmists! $10K Climate Challenge: Peter Laux ‘will pay $10,000 (AUS) for a conclusive argument based on empirical facts…’
Warmist Prof. Abraham: ‘History will look unkindly on those who have stood in the way of saving the planet’ — Claims: ‘97% of top climate scientists believe we have a problem’ [email protected]
Shocker! ‘What the Green Movement Got Wrong: Greens come to see the error of their ways — Green monolith has cracked’
So much for climate ‘national security’ threat: ‘All Large European Wars Occurred With CO2 Below 350 ppm’