Prof. Pielke Jr.: ‘More than any individual — James Inhofe and Marc Morano included — Joe Romm is responsible for creating a poisonous, negative atmosphere in the climate debate’
NY Times Cites Climate Depot’s Morano: ‘I don’t think people in Iowa, New England or Wisconsin are clamoring for an oil spill bill’
Gulf Oil Spill In Perspective: ‘Wildlife in oceans are not even going to notice this, not at all! Fish have other far greater worries on their minds – like not becoming dinner for other fish’
Analysis: Late Stephen Schneider’s ‘Blacklist’ Paper ‘violates every ethical standard…I think it is clear that the paper, wrong on the facts, is unethical in its intent and outcome’
Texas declares War on the EPA
Enviros admit climate defeat: ‘We really got our ass kicked in August during the town halls’
Good Riddance: Japan wants to scrap the Kyoto Protocol
As the climate con ends, warmist ponders: ‘Is it time to retire the term ‘global warming’?
‘800 more people die every day in Dec., Jan., & Feb. than occurs on avg. day during rest of year. Winter months kill 72,000 more U.S. citizens than spring-summer-autumn average’
South American temperatures plummet, causing ‘millions of dead fish’ as snow in hits Brazil, Argentina, Bolivia