Obama to Federal Workers: Stop Driving to combat global warming
2010 Peer-Reviewed Study: GRACE Satellite Measurements of Sea Level Rise & Ice Sheet Mass Loss Are Worthless — new technology appears to have major biases and is error-prone
175 people killed in South America cold spell
Shameful Sham: Phil Jones got to endorse papers for Oxburgh Climategate inquiry
EIA Says Climate Bill Cuts GDP $452 Billion By 2035
UK Facing Blackouts from Obama Green Energy, Environment Policies
Dr. Roy Spencer: open to possibility a major error may have been made on CO2 causing warming
Money? What Money? Climate change chief clueless on euro loan of 150-million euro
‘Still quite cold in Arctic, with below normal air temperatures and sea surface temperatures surrounding the ice pack’
97% of Scientists Do Not Believe in the Theory of Catastrophic Man-Made Global Warming