Lord Monckton’s Testimony to Congress: ‘Neither global mean surface temperature nor its rates of change in recent decades have been exceptional, unusual, inexplicable, or unprecedented’
Warmist Scientists Lash at ‘McCarthy-Like Threats’
It’s Official: ‘Science has deteriorated into a tool for political action… Gov’t largely determines the nature of scientific activity’
Oh No! Poisen Plants! ‘Increased CO2 is bad for plants…we found that cyanogen (cyanide) concentration in the leaves increased’
Skeptical Scientist: ‘I’m Sick Of All These Climate Skeptic Deniers: ‘There are a lot of people out there…who actively reject the consensus among climate skeptics’
Sen. Kerry: ‘Soviet nuclear warheads [were] a clear and present danger in our lives. Just as clear and present is danger climate change poses to our economy and national security’
New Book: Climate: the Counter-consensus by Aussie Geologist Dr. Robert Carter
Oops. Greenland Was Warmer 80 Years Ago
Paper: How Cronyism Is Infesting Cap-And-Trade
Climatologist To Fmr. NYT reporter Revkin’s Question: ‘Is Most Of Observed Warming Over Last 50 Years Likely Due To Increase In GHG Concentrations?’ Answer: ‘NO’