Physics professor tells U.S. government PUT UP OR SHUT UP on Global Warming Claims
What IPCC Learned from Press Releases: IPCC seems confused…when it discusses 2003 European heat wave’ — ‘The closer one peers at IPCC report, the more tawdry it all seems’
Climate Cult: Why not wear this seed-sprouting face mask *and* your tinfoil hat? — Seed-Sprouting Face Mask Protects You From Pollution, Sequesters Your CO2
Brooke Shields Upset With Reports that Global Warming Doesn’t Exist– ‘concerned with growing skepticism’
In 1985, Sting released The Black Seam, a solidarity song on behalf of UK coal mining industry — OK Sting, are ready to sign a petition to expand coal use in the UK?
More Global Warming Profiteering by Obama Energy Official Cathy Zoi: She is also Ex-Gore associate…exploiting global warming for her own mega-gain’
Update: Climate bill backers try to regroup [Note: GOP could have warned Dems about Sen. Graham…It’s nice to see him screwing over another party for a change!]
Paging Discredited Doomster Paul Ehrlich: Long-hated one-child rule may be eased as ‘demographers warn that China is facing the opposite problem: not enough babies’
Reuters Features ‘high-profile site’ Climate Depot: ‘Climate debate gets ugly…scientists, used to dealing with sceptics, are under siege like never before’
As the warmists crumble: German Chancellor Gives Up On Binding Climate Treaty