Climategate whitewash: ‘Lord Oxburgh’s report is a travesty’
Here it Comes: Senators will unveil climate bill April 26 — ‘will roll out their compromise climate proposal’
Is Avatar director James Cameron the new Al Gore?
‘Missing’ heat may affect future climate change: ‘Current observational tools cannot account for roughly half of heat that is BELIEVED to have built up on Earth’
Flashback March 2010: ‘Dracula’s in charge of the blood bank’ — Oops: Chief Climategate investigator Oxburgh failed to disclose environmental directorship
Bizarro World: Lord Oxburgh on UK Inquiry: ‘We found Climategate scientists absolutely squeaky clean’ — Slams skeptics as ‘just plain nasty and ill-informed’
U.S. Coal Industry Fights Climate Legislation at Congressional Hearing
Climategate Gets A Whitewash: ‘Those who created and perpetuated this sham are not called into account’
Finally Good News for Warmists! NOAA: March 2010 Warmest March on Record
UK Police investigating anyone who requested info from Climategate university — ‘Ordinary members of public…being targeted…Police working with experts in ‘extremism’