Accumulating Evidence of the Corrupted US Temperature Record
‘Climate science establishment is still whacking away, faster and more frenetically than ever, as more and more skeptical scientists, journalists and politicians surface’
‘Skeptic’s Handbook’ author JoAnne Nova on Global Cooling Radio
Memo To UN Climate Representatives In Bonn: ‘No One Believes The Bullsh*t Any Longer – Go Home, Please’
Carbon ‘sins’ forgiven at UN meeting: CFACT’s Mother Earth sells carbon indulgences to UN climate delegates
Editorial: Global warming’s weak links
Scientist: Corroboration of Natural Climate Change
Flashback June 2009: ‘Execute’ Skeptics! Shock Call To Action: ‘At what point do we jail or execute global warming deniers’ — ‘Shouldn’t we start punishing them now?’
UN urged to accept ‘ecocide’ as international crime on par with genocide — ‘Could be used to prosecute climate deniers’
Would accept ‘ecocide’ as a 5th ‘crime against peace’ — ‘alongside genocide and crimes against humanity’