Rare ABC News TV Debate: Climate Depot Vs. Center For Am. Progress — ‘UN IPCC was a political organization masquerading as a science group. It’s been exposed’

To Watch 24 minute ABC News Nightline TV Debate Go Here:

ABC News Global Warming Debate Part 1

ABC News Global Warming Debate Part 2

Anchored by Vicki Mabrey – ABC News Correspondent – Original Air Date: February 15, 2010

Marc Morano, Executive Editor, Climate Depot Versus Daniel Weiss, Director for Climate Strategy, Center for American Progress ([email protected])

Selected ABC News Nightline excerpts of highly contentious debate shout-fest:

Daniel Weiss: Blizzards are “consistent with what scientists had predicted would happen under global warming…”

Marc Morano Counter: “It’s consistent with climate astrology, basically it’s a horoscope, anything that happens, it’s ‘Hey I think my horoscope predicted it.’ It is the height of silliness to even link the two, and [Dan Weiss] should be embarrassed.”

Morano: “The UN IPCC was a political organization masquerading as a science group. It’s been exposed. And now you have Center for American Progress — which Dan Weiss is member of — you have them linking and questioning whether the Minneapolis bridge collapse cold have been caused by global warming. (See: Joe Romm of Center for American Progress questioned whether the bridge collapse in Minnesota was a result of man-made global warming) This is sub-prime science and in a different age we would be laughing at people making these kinds of claims.”

Morano: Climategate is wonderful — to watch, the upper echelon of the UN, including the chairman of the climate panel exposed — the corruption, the resignations, the calls by top UN scientists for their leader (Pachauri) to resign, the embarrassment, the dozens of gates springing up, the fraudulent data they presented in the UN climate reports.

ABC News Reporter Vicki Mabrey: What is their to be gained [by promoting global warming]?

Morano: “They are talking about a global Co2 tax, they are talking global Co2 budget for every man women and child on the planet. Guess what, run by an international body, with tons of money; tons of bureaucratic bean counters in charge they get to manage a ‘manufacture crisis.’”

Weiss to Morano: “Next you are going to be telling us the moon landing was staged.”

Morano Counter: “Monowalkers are the skeptics. That is a silly analogy, you have been exposed again.” (See: Moonwalkers Defy Gore’s Claim That Climate Skeptics Are Akin To Those Who Believe Moon Landing was ‘Staged’ – July 3, 2009)