UN IPCC (Finally) Admits Mistakes
The Hill: Climate-change legislation buried under record snowfall in capital — ‘climate legislation has been put on ice’
Correction: It was Andrew Revkin who wrote: ‘I have yet to see anyone provide definitive evidence—with no error bars—that fingerprint of human-generated greenhouse gases is unequivocal’
Utah Legislature formally questions global warming
NOAA’s Ministry Of Propaganda: ‘Why must we fund one-stop shopping for climate charlatans?’
Prof. Pielke Jr.: ‘If IPCC decided today to adopt the NAS guidelines, would Dr. Pachauri be judged to have conflict(s) of interest? I think that the answer is pretty obvious’
New study: could the sun have warmed the world? Yet another paper questioning man-made climate theory — ‘Our long-tern future looks chilly’
Shock: ‘We are seeing history today folks’: UK Guardian retracts ‘denier’ label for Climate Audit’s Stephen McIntyre after public pressure
UK Guardian: Climategate ’emails reveal strenuous efforts by climate scientists to ‘censor’ their critics’
Drip, Drip, Drip — U.N.’s Climate Claims Are Melting Fast