Blizzard smacks East Coast as DC, NJ, Prepare for 2 feet of snow
Climate Depot’s Morano: ‘The entire global warming movement has now become a laughing stock scientifically, politically, and economically’
IPCC: ‘International Pack of Climate Crooks’: ‘We’ve been swindled. We’ve been set up as marks by a gang of opportunistic hucksters’
UN’s Reign of Climate Terror Ending: India to ‘pull out’ of UN global warming panel because it ‘cannot rely’ on scandal ridden UN science
UK MET OFFICE RELYING ON AMATEUR COMPUTER: Relying on ‘a homemade weather station in a garden’
Study: ‘Carbon dioxide appears to play a very limited role in setting interglacial temperature’
More Shame: Sea Level Gate: UN Sea level blunder enrages Dutch minister — UN ‘wrongly claimed that more than half of Netherlands is currently below sea level’
Sen. Barrasso Calls for Pachauri’s resignation: ‘Every day, new scandals emerge about the so called ‘facts’ in the UN reports’
UN’s top climate official Yvo de Boer: ‘Pachauri would be a fool to resign’