China surprises summit — Declares it has ‘open mind’ about global warming: ‘Alternative view that climate change is caused by cyclical trends in nature’
Houston Chronicle Credits Climate Depot with Warming Movements Collapse!: Morano debating Scientists is ‘just a wipeout’ — ‘It’s an NFL team playing a high school team’
UN IPCC Exposed: ‘Dozens’ of instances where WWF reports have been cited as the sole authority for contentious claims, including one about coastal developments in Latin America’
Calls for Pachauri to resign: ‘His position is becoming more and more untenable by the day…UN IPCC ‘will continue to leach credibility while he remains in charge’
The IPCC scandal: the African data was sexed up, too
‘For the IPCC AR4, ‘weather events are climate’ – looks like another retraction is needed’
Paper: UN climate chief Pachauri used ‘bogus’ climate claims ‘to win grants worth hundreds of thousands of pounds’
Paging George Orwell: Stern Review ‘mysteriously changed’
‘Sterngate’: The Influential Stern Review Has Been Secretly Altered
‘Fake but Accurate’: ‘Taking the politically correct position and pushing for the ‘right’ govt actions is more important than fact-based analysis or the scientific method’