Report: NASA GISS Admits No Evidence of AGW In The US, Won’t Be For Decades!
Climate Audit Reveals NASA Emails: ‘Hide this after Jim [Hansen] checks it’
Na na na hey hey hey goodbye: Sen. Boxer admits cap-and-trade bill could be up to 10 years away
EU Parliament Member Godfrey Bloom Declares man-made global warming fears a ‘scam, scam, scam’ — ‘When are you all going to wake up?’
The Science and Public Policy Institute’s 149-page analysis Climategate emails
How many days until Resignation? Et Tu, UN? Pachauri now getting no respect from the UN! UN Climate Chief Yvo de Boer Takes IPCC to Task
New Scientist’s Fred Pearce on UN IPCC’s Glaciergate: ‘If they do find another [mistake] it will be curtains for Pachauri’
Finally! UN IPCC’s Pachauri Now a Punchline: The Times of India pokes fun at UN Chief
Wow! UK parliamentary investigation into Climategate may not be a whitewash
Keeping it in the family: Pachauri’s daughter is deputy program leader of population and climate change group