Still Another UN IPCC Error? ‘The situation is simply insane!’ IPCC’s claim of halving of yields from rain-fed crops in Africa challenged
Say What? ‘A cap-and-trade bill has a shot in the Senate – as long as the cap-and- trade part is removed’
Slip Sliding Away: UN abandons climate change deadline: ‘Timetable to reach a global deal to tackle climate change lay in tatters’
AP: UN climate report riddled with errors on glaciers — Call for climate chief to resign — ‘There could be more mistakes’
‘New questions are being raised about the reliability of a key temperature database, used by the UN’
‘Forget warming, greenhouse gases may trigger ice age – Global Warming – Environment’
Climate expert: ‘Global warming could paradoxically trigger a collapse in temperatures in western Europe’
Flurries hit southeast Australia as towns record their first-ever summer snowfalls
Warming induced by the latent heat of snow
Al Gore, meet Sen. Scott Brown — Global Warming Skeptic: ‘I think the globe is always heating and cooling…It’s a natural way of ebb and flow’