Paper: ‘The CO2 Lie’ — ‘As more scientists reveal inconvenient truths, we ask: Where’s the warming, Al Gore?’
Britain braced for heaviest snowfall in 50-years
GOP Sen. Graham once again censured by party in S.C. over climate issue
UN IPCC’s Pachauri: ‘The cover-up begins…embarrassing evidence of Pachauri’s commercial interests — is disappearing’
Environmentalists Get CIA to Use Satellites to Monitor ‘Climate Change’
Lord Monckton smacks down Prime Minister Rudd of Australia — ‘Lie after lie after lie after lie in the official documents of the UN IPCC’
Professor Thomas F. Schaller: Climate skeptics are denying facts, not ‘theories’ — Declares ‘deniers’ caught up in ‘absurdities and self-delusions’ [email protected]
Claim: ‘Climate Refugees Will Flood Alaska in Next 500 Years as U.S. Government Moves North’
ClimateGate’s Next Phase: False Claims Act Lawsuit — ‘entire enterprise may be based on a fraud’
Analysis: Hot Weather Convinces Media of Climate Change; Cold Weather Ignored