Chemical society editor Rudy Baum slapped down by US Navy Chemist for ‘appalling lack of scientific integrity’ for ignoring Climategate
Global temps drop .158°F since Gore’s ‘An Inconvenient Truth’ was released
Climategate: Here Comes Courage! Is climate catastrophism losing its ‘politically correct’ grip as more scientists speak out?
Climategate: Failure of a Blind and Biased Mainstream Media, says Climatologist
UN IPCC’s Pachauri responds: it’s all a terrible conspiracy
No Joke! China blames big snowstorm and record low temps on global warming
Overpopulation of polar bears? ‘Arctic residents say they are now bumping into bears wherever they turn’
Not Again! ‘Heavy snowfall’ cancels cyclist’s global warming protest: ‘My feet would be frozen’
Vermont sets ‘all-time record for one snowstorm’
Korean snow: ‘Heaviest since the nation started recording snowfall back in 1937’