Study: Glaciers in 1940s melted at an even-faster pace than today
Poor Joe gets no respect: Romm’s Co2 driven drought claims slapped down by former NYT reporter Revkin
Former New York Times Reporter Andrew Revkin tweet on Jan. 1 2009:
Revkin: “Joe R(omm) still sees Aussie’s Big Dry (drought) as co2-driven event Not what climate scientists see:“
Climate Fear Promoter Joe Romm’s Latest Comic Relief: Memo to ‘anti-science conservatives…if you hate government intrusion into people’s lives, you’d better stop catastrophic global warming’
Climate Depot’s Marc Morano Statement on NYT OpEd Comparing Warming fears to Frankenstein, Y2k & ‘UFO Cults’
Video: Weather Channel Founder John Coleman Debunks Global Warming Fears
Brrr…Once in a generation cold snap forecast for North Carolina & Eastern U.S.!
‘Even the NYT now openly mocking global warming, comparing it to Y2K and other mass hysteria phenomena’
California fights back: GOP State Assemblyman Logue will start collecting signatures for 2010 ballot initiative that would suspend climate bill
Kudos to NYT! OP-Ed: ‘Climate catastrophism’ mockingly compared to Frankenstein, Y2K scare and ‘U.F.O. cults’
‘Where did all the global warming hurricanes go?’