Settled science?: If dark carbon causes 94% of Arctic warming, and if contrails account for another 15-20%, how much is caused by natural variability and trace amounts of CO2?
Update: UN IPCC Chair Pachauri’s response to charges he is profiting off warming fears raises even more questions!
Update: Build-A-Bear responds: Removes videos from site…’Our intention with the Polar Bear story was to inspire children’
Left-wing publication rejects man-made climate fears: ‘Turning Tricks, Cashing In on Fear’
EU ministers discussing poverty and climate stuck Sweden with $480,000 bill for limousine services’
How cold is it? Man with knife in chest calls 911, orders coffee in diner; ‘complained only about the cold weather’
Eco-tourists in Antarctica blamed for ‘horrendous pollution from ship fuel and rubbish’
German Scientist: ‘Climategate reveals a concerted effort to emphasize scientific results useful to a political agenda’
Has Past Global Warming Caused Increase of Infectious Diseases? Latest Peer-Research Says No
Peer-reviewed study shakes climate debate: ’50 years of global cooling predicted’ — Finds CO2 NOT ‘major culprit’ in temps