Paper: Climate draft deal agreed to at Copenhagen
Flashback Gore 1992: ‘The time for debate is over. The science is settled’
Flashback: ‘Climate Astrology’: Trying to control Earth’s thermostat is ‘madness of our age’
Russian Temps Turn Up Heat On Warmers
Lefty magazine Mother Jones: Proof Copenhagen Is ‘an Elaborate Sham’
Climate Fear Promoters Fret: ‘Better to have no deal at Copenhagen than one that spells catastrophe’
Lord Monckton tears apart UN IPCC Chair Pachauri’s science claims: ‘Lies, fibs, fabrications’ — People ‘no longer believe a word IPCC says’
The Crackup In Copenhagen
Climatologist rips ‘manufactured climate consensus’ — Climategate ’emails are just the tip of the iceberg’ — ‘EPA has lost the basis for its CO2 finding’
Associated Press: Global warming a tough sell for the human psyche