Canadian Paper: ‘Scandal shakes foundations of climate science…this has set the climate-change debate back 20 years’
Michael Mann’s Hockey Stick invention — Corrected
UK Prime Minister Brown rejects ‘flat-earth’ climate skeptics
Media is digging now! BBC: CRU’s programming ‘way below expected standards’
George Will: ‘Climate-change travesty…never in peacetime history has government-media-academic complex been in such sustained propagandistic lockstep’
Paging AP’s Seth Borenstein: Climategate: CRU looked to ‘big oil’ for support
Scientists ask American Physical Society to rescind support for man-made global warming statement
Climategate Prompts UK Met Office to re-examine 160 years of climate data
Rep. Issa: Obama’s refusal to investigate ‘Climategate’ emails is ‘unconscionable’
Supersize: UN climate summit to emit CO2 equal to 200,000 cars