WARMING ESTABLISHMENT ROCKED AS MEDIA RETREATS: ‘I’m dismayed and deeply shaken…I apologise. I was too trusting of some of those who provided the evidence I championed…Jones should now resign’
‘It’s no use pretending that this isn’t a major blow’: Climate Fear Promoter George Monbiot Concedes Devastating Impact of UN’s ClimateGate
UK Daily Mail: ‘Scientists had been conspiring among themselves to fiddle the evidence’
Aussie Geologist Dr. Ian Plimer says ClimateGate reveals warming fears to be manufactured: ‘It’s all based on fraud’
Video: Glenn Beck on ‘ClimateGate’
Move on, nothing to see here: Reuters Declares ClimateGate ‘not game changer’
‘They Are Criminals’: Former Thatcher Science Advisor Unleashes on UN’s ClimateGate: ‘Fraud is what we now know it to be’
Warmist fires back at skeptics: ‘Like the 9/11 conspiracy theories before it, the global warming conspiracy is palpably absurd’
Scandal Fashion Wear: UN’s ClimateGate spawns ‘Hide the Decline’ t-shirts
Shock: BBC Reporter Sat on Emails for over a month!? ‘I was forwarded the chain of e-mails on October 12th’