Climate Depot accused of hacking the files? ‘Swift Boating the Climate Scientists’: ‘Morano is not new to this kind of dirty fighting’
Claim: Data handling at CRU was ‘completely out of control’ — ‘They fudged so much that NOTHING that came out of CRU can have ANY believability’
‘Global Warming’ is Man-Made after all — ClimateGate reveals ‘a pattern of manipulation, suppression and selection of data and evidence all designed to create and maintain the global warming myth’
More ClimateGate documents coming? It does ‘not appear that all the documents stolen have been distributed on the Internet by the hackers’
ClimateGate reveals ‘paranoid plotting that is truly Nixonian in nature’ — ‘Ranged from playground bully to a possible criminal conspiracy… inevitable bunker mentality’
The New Reality: ‘Copenhagen is a bust, cap-and-trade is dead, the environmental movement, global warming, is in rapid retreat and disarray’
Climatologist Pielke Sr.: UN IPCC’s ‘duplicity has been exposed’ — Reveals ‘control of the IPCC process by a few individuals’
UN Critiques By Skeptics Vindicated: Flashback October 2009: Climate Depot Exposes UN IPCC as political entity
‘Global Warming Skeptics Proven Right; Climate Alarmists Exposed To Be Scientific Fraud ‘Perps’
Columnist: ‘UN IPCC should be disbanded in disgrace. It belongs in a museum of hoaxes right beside the Loch Ness Monster’