Read All About it! Climate Depot Exclusive – Continuously Updated ‘ClimateGate’ News Round Up

Final Update: January 24, 2009 @ 9:47 PM ET

For Continuous Climategate automatic updates, please follow Climategate at this link.

UN IPCC Exposed: ‘Dozens’ of instances where WWF reports have been cited as the sole authority for contentious claims, including one about coastal developments in Latin America’

Calls for Pachauri to resign: ‘His position is becoming more and more untenable by the day…UN IPCC ‘will continue to leach credibility while he remains in charge’

‘For the IPCC AR4, ‘weather events are climate’ – looks like another retraction is needed’

Paper: UN climate chief Pachauri used ‘bogus’ climate claims ‘to win grants worth hundreds of thousands of pounds’

Paging George Orwell: Stern Review ‘mysteriously changed’

‘Sterngate’: The Influential Stern Review Has Been Secretly Altered

‘Fake but Accurate’: ‘Taking the politically correct position and pushing for the ‘right’ govt actions is more important than fact-based analysis or the scientific method’

Australian Herald Sun: ‘Could the Nobel Prize be withdrawn’ from UN IPCC?

‘Al Gore needs to be leading this charge (for Pachauri’s resignation) in the US. Where is he, and why is he silent?’

Former NYT reporter Revkin warns UN IPCC in ‘real trouble’: ‘Real trouble for IPCC when author admits pushing policy with Himalayan glacier hype’

Cattlemen fight EPA’s emission regulations with ‘Climategate’: ‘We do not believe the science with regard to alleged manmade climate change is there’

Warmists terrified by Anthony Watts temperature analyses: Climatologist accuses Tom Karl’s National Climate Data Center of having ‘same culture as’ Climategate Karl’s email: [email protected] ABC News: Michael Mann ‘accused of fraud and perpetuating a hoax’

‘Return the Money, Mann’: Will Climategate’s Michael Mann ‘return all $6 million he’s received from the government over the years?’

‘Liberal Skeptic’ Co-Authors New Book: ‘Climategate: The CRUtape Letters’ — Climategate scandal covered from beginning to end

UK Telegraph: ‘Dodgy NASA GISS temperature records exposed: the US Climategate?’

Meteorologist Joe D’Aleo’s Exclusive Report: ‘Claimed Warming Greatly Exaggerated — NOAA not UK’s CRU is Ground Zero’ of Climategate

Watch John Coleman’s Exclusive hourlong news special ‘Global Warming – The Other Side’

‘Smoking gun of U.S. Climategate’: Weather Channel founder Coleman’s TV special accuses NASA & NOAA of manipulating climate data

UN chief nears the end? Indian Paper: UN IPCC climate chief Pachauri ‘failing to uphold standards of propriety in his professional dealings’

‘Climategate’ professor Michael Mann protected ‘to maximum extent’ by Penn State policy

Timeline of the events