Fox News: Climate Skeptics See ‘Smoking Gun’ Evidence of Collusion Among Climatologists and Manipulation of Data’
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Final Update: January 24, 2009 @ 9:47 PM ET
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‘For the IPCC AR4, ‘weather events are climate’ – looks like another retraction is needed’
Paging George Orwell: Stern Review ‘mysteriously changed’
‘Sterngate’: The Influential Stern Review Has Been Secretly Altered
Australian Herald Sun: ‘Could the Nobel Prize be withdrawn’ from UN IPCC?
Warmists terrified by Anthony Watts temperature analyses: Climatologist accuses Tom Karl’s National Climate Data Center of having ‘same culture as’ Climategate Karl’s email: [email protected] ABC News: Michael Mann ‘accused of fraud and perpetuating a hoax’
UK Telegraph: ‘Dodgy NASA GISS temperature records exposed: the US Climategate?’
Watch John Coleman’s Exclusive hourlong news special ‘Global Warming – The Other Side’
‘Climategate’ professor Michael Mann protected ‘to maximum extent’ by Penn State policy
‘The warmist conspiracy: The emails that most damn Phil Jones’
Climate Fear Promoters Fret: ‘This is going to be politically costly no matter what’
Wash Post: Scientists’ e-mails deriding skeptics of warming become public
NY Times: Hacked E-Mails Fuel Climate Change Skeptics — ‘Revelations are bound to inflame the public debate as negotiators prepare to hammer out an international climate accord’
WSJ: Skeptics ‘see blood in the water’ — Files reveal scientists apparently making references to things like ‘hiding the decline’ in temps
Scientist changes graphs to eliminate cooling? ‘I’ll maybe cut the last few points off the filtered curve’
NPR: Climate Skeptics Pounce On E-Mails Hackers Got From U.K. Scientists’ Files
Rush Limbaugh Praises Climate Depot: ‘It’s a great place to keep up on the global warming debate’