Ethical travel company drops carbon offsetting: Derides practice as ‘medieval pardon that allows people to continue polluting’
Cracking Up: Psychologists urge Congress to pass climate bill ‘to prevent severe mental health harms’
Aussie PM Rudd gets owned by Climate Depot — ‘brilliant article…when faced with facts their claims turn to bulldust’
Gore Kills 80 Green Jobs Single-handedly
Skeptical Climatologist Dr. Christy: Scientists revel in attention climate change brings: ‘It’s almost a drug’
We’re All Delayers Now: Key Senate Dems Say Climate Bill Likely on the Shelf For Rest of the Year
More ‘unsettled’ science! New study finds 50% of warming since 1950 is due to land use changes not emissions of greenhouse gases
Counter: Climate bill ‘simply doesn’t do what Sen. Vitter claims’
Physicist: New study ‘shows that just like you would expect, I was right and was wrong’
Czech president Klaus: ‘Communism and environmentalism — are two ideologies that are structurally very similar. They are against individual freedom’