‘The science is falling apart faster than the policy…blunders in the numbers behind the history of global temperature’
UK Astronomer: ‘It took quite a while for fact that global annual average temps haven’t altered for a decade to become accepted by mainstream science’
Carbon Credit Market Imploding: Chicago Climate Exchange now 10 cents a tonne
More Defections: Dem Senator Webb ‘has concerns that cap-and-trade could invite market manipulation, create perverse incentives and cheating’
UNEP Climate Report—Deception Starts with the Cover
Pielke Jr. ‘Hockey Stick Gets Personal: Lies from Real Climate’
RealClimate.org’s Schmidt response to McIntyre called ‘silly from a scientific perspective’ — ‘no real content whatsoever’
Response from Briffa on the Yamal tree ring affair – plus rebuttal
Ross McKitrick: ‘Only by playing with data can scientists come up with infamous ‘hockey stick’ graph of global warming’
Dem Sen. Lincoln, ‘It is a deeply flawed bill, and I will not support similar legislation in the Senate’