It’s Back! Spot the resurrected Hockey Stick in new UN scare report
NYT’s John Broder’s slapped down for ‘spin job’ on EPA whistleblower Alan Carlin — article ‘larded with innuendo’
Meteorologist: ‘Long term global temp trends shown by peer-review papers to be exaggerated by 30%, 50%’
Former Speechwriter claims Pres. Bush once favored cap-and-trade
Propaganda? New Kids movie compared to ‘The Day After Tomorrow’ plus marinara sauce’
On Leno’s Show, Limbaugh Runs Car Over Al Gore – Then Backs Up and Does It Again
Paper: ‘Some Democratic centrists have regretted backing climate bill’
Analysis: ‘CO2 is not melting the Arctic’
New Report: UN Scientists Speak Out On Global Warming — As Skeptics!
New Report: ‘Exile for Non-Believers’: ‘The price for speaking out against global warming is exile from your peers’