Video: Obama’s Green Jobs Czar Van Jones: Republicans Are ‘A**holes’
Silly: Joe Romm at it again! Connects wilfires to global warming
Dem Congresswoman Blames ‘Global Warming’ for California Wildfires
Book under fire: ‘Global Warming for Dummies’ said to be ‘advocating censorship of opinions which differ from those of the authors’
UN: Poor nations need ‘wartime’ support against global warming
Climatologist: Spurious Sea Surface Temps Warming Revisited – July 2009 Might have been warmer
MSM Reporter Exaggerates Greenland Ice Loss By 25 Times; Newest Research Refutes
Outrage Grows Over Climate Ad Showing Planes Crashing Into NYC
Czech Physicist: ‘Marc Morano and Barack Obama are credited with the gradual fall of climate hysteria’