Dispatches From Polar Scientists: ‘Temps much colder… it began to snow lightly. I was really excited – I had not yet seen snow in August’
‘Ice still clogs many of the channels in the Northwest Passage’
Silly: Canadian politician says home flooding ‘is a reminder that climate change is real and that it will mean more severe weather’
Climate skeptics like Nazi appeasers, says Aussie politician
Flashback: Then-Sen. Wirth aided NASA’s Hansen with Congressional ‘Stagecraft’ in 1988
Former Dem Senator Wirth: Climate Bill ‘Out of Control’ – ‘Republicans are right — it’s a cap-and-tax bill’
American Chemical Society’s Editor Claims ‘No Difference’ After Flap on Climate Column
‘Lindzen’s paper on outgoing long-wave radiation shows that the ‘global warming’ scare is over’
ALERT: ‘It is now unlikely that 2009 will see a record low Arctic sea ice extent’
Australia rejects ‘cap and trade’ – U.S. to follow?