Fear Promoter Tobis seeks ‘counterweight website’ to Climate Depot: ‘End-Times and the Anti-Morano…I find myself developing an odd affection for Morano’
‘The Senator got every fact wrong’: Sen. Kerry’s claims on alleged ‘national security’ climate threat shredded by Lord Monckton
Green Problem: ‘Few new ecological documentaries are enjoying robust box-office takes’
Say what? UN Claims ‘climate change will displace 25-50 million people by next year!’
Global warming to make mountains grow higher? ‘Warmer climates enhance mountain growth’
Gov. George Allen: Climate Bill Will Hurt U.S.
U.S. Climate bill could cost 2 million jobs
Et Tu? Cap-and-Trade’s Unlikely Critics: Its Creators: Economists Behind Original Concept Question System’s Large-Scale Usefulness
ALERT: Australia Rejects Climate Cap-and-Trade Bill! — Senators voted 42 to 30 against: ‘It is a dog of a plan’ – ‘Climate has slipped down list of priorities’ – Will U.S. Follow?