‘Greatest Lie Ever Told’: Renowned sea level expert dismisses climate fears: ‘Beach erosion more likely to be caused by LOWER sea levels’
Obama’s ‘stealth strategy’: ‘Costs imposed by climate cap-and-trade system equivalent to raising a family of four’s income TAX by 50%!’
Sun Analysis: ‘Number of spotless days has not been equaled since 1914’
Climatologist: UN IPCC Admits they Could be Wrong about Humans Causing Global Warming
GOP says Democrats’ climate bill is another tax
Repeat? 1816 ‘Year Without a Summer’ — ‘Weak solar maximum, major volcanic eruption, conspired to make summer of 1816 one of the most miserable ever recorded’
Naturalism Has Been Hijacked…Man is not a cancer on the planet
George Will: ‘Global warming has become like God: It is an explanation for everything and all-purpose excuse for political class to do whatever it wants’
June’s chill in Chicago ‘coldest since records began’
‘Politicians haven’t noticed that the problem may be world is not warming but cooling’