Rasmussen Reports: Congress Pushes Cap and Trade, But Just 24% Know What It Is
Climatologist: ‘Are we really sure that ALL of the atmospheric increase in CO2 is from humanity’s emissions?’
Ralph Nader Slams House Climate Bill! ‘I’m really astonished… I mean, it’s not going to work. It’s too complex. It’s too easily manipulated politically’
Spiders ‘getting bigger…due to global warming?’
Scientist ridicules attempt to discredit cosmic ray-climate link using computer model
Democrats jumping ship on Congressional global warming bill!
Scientist rips media for ‘regurgitating the typical fear-mongering hysteria that the Gore-IPCC-Hansen clique promulgate’
Nobel Prize Chemistry winner Kary Mullis: UN IPCC doesn’t ‘always tell you the truth’
Wanted: ‘Someone who can talk compellingly about the termination of our species on this planet’
Update: Watered down climate bill’s temp impact: ‘How Small Can Small Get?’ – ‘next-to-nothing impacts even less (if that is possible)’